Sunday, April 1, 2012

Empty Spools - Critique in Ruth McDowell class 03-31-12

On the last day of class all the time is used to go around the room and allow every student to say something about their work.  Ruth usually says a few words about each project.  These works are no where close to completion and the fabric pieces are pinned up only in the approximate position they will go, so they overlap each other and are a bit askew.  The colored and white dots that show on all of them are the heads of the pins used to fasten them to the design boards used in class. 
Here are quilts from half of the class - I hope to post the other half tomorrow.  

Janine Levine's red barn on final day of class.
Christine Brown's goose on the final day of class.  Also at lower left the samples she made from Ruth's book before she came to class.  Good idea!
Linda Lawrence peacock on final day of class.
Suzie Constantino's passion flower on the final day of class.
Donna Moog's magnolia blossoms on the final day of class.  She is using three different pictures for the three blossoms to create this large quilt.
Pat Thompson's egret with Ruth McDowell talking about it on the final day of class.  Samples made using patterns from a Ruth book at lower left.
Linda Bergman's puppy on final day of class.  The colors are yellowed from the indoor lighting - I do not use a flash in classes. 
Kathy Del Beccaro's Taffy and the kid on final day of class.
Dasha Drab's elephant seal on final day of class.
Michelle Reid's "Oreo Cow" on the last day of class.  (A Belted Galloway cow, sometimes called a "Beltie", but colloquially called an Oreo cow because it looks like a cookie on legs.)

More tomorrow.  Del
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1 comment:

Patty Benner Young said...

Wonderful photos Del. Thank you!