Saturday, June 9, 2012

Ruth McDowell class at the Quilt Galllery in Kalispell, MT 06-09-12

I'm sorry I missed posting last evening - I was just exhausted and went to sleep at 9pm!

One more day of class with Ruth McDowell - it does make me very sad because I don't know that I will ever see her again.  After 22 years, that is a very hard blow.  But I am enjoying the class here with sixteen very nice ladies - there are four who have never taken a class with Ruth previously and the rest have been regular students.   These first six pictures were take on Wednesday, the first day of class, and show something of the fabulous workshop space at the Quilt Gallery.
From the table where I am sitting, looking out through the shop to the front entrance.

Here is Ruth McDowell at the white board working on the photos or drawings that each student brought as inspiration.  The binder in the foreground has pictures of a great many of the quilts that were made in Ruth's classes here during the eighteen years she has be teaching in Montana.
Students Susan Hilsenbeck, Susan Vacek, Ruth Powers, Pat Andrews.  In the background are Ruth's Moth Orchids quilt, Ella (the appaloosa) and the Pink Rose - along with some student quilts I showed previously.
Students Sue Utt, Nola Partington, Bern Ward,  Vanelle Nurse with some student quilts on wall.
Students Vanelle Nurse, TJ Tack, Cathy Silva.  In the background Nola Partington and Bern Ward.
Student Anita Crane.

It is always interesting to see what Ruth is buying to take home for her stash:
She is a great saleswoman in a shop; she holds up the bolt and explains what she sees in the fabric and the entire bolt quickly disappears!   I've added some of these to my huge fabric library.
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Loretta said...

Thanks so much Del. I too will miss Ruth very much...she's been my guide for a number of years. She shared her love of design, color, texture and fun! I still have a long way to go as to fabric selection, but thankfully, I can check her website and catch up.

Cindy Cooksey said...

Yes! Very interesting to see the kinds of fabric Ruth adds to her stash. She is so talented.