Saturday, June 30, 2012

Twelve by Twelve quilts at Quilt Festival - LBeach 06-30-12

Here is the announcement from the Twelve by Twelve group about their exhibit of 288 quilts from their first two years of making 12" x 12" quilts. I have never seen these quilt "in-the-fabric" and I am very excited that they will be in Long Beach. The quilts were exhibited at Quilt Festival in Houston and Cincinatti and this will be their last venue. I hope you will be able to see them in Long Beach.  I will be there most days, not with this exhibit, but at the Visions Art Museum table. Stop by and say hello.

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1 comment:

Suzanne Kistler said...

You will love it!
I kept being drawn back at Houston, it's fascinating. Thank you so much for making it possible!