Sunday, July 15, 2012

Picture Mix Up 07-15-12

It appears that my pictures are still in Picasa, but they are mixed up and most of the captions are missing.  I need to talk to Picasa and see what might be done about this.  Meanwhile I am limited to using the most recent images. 

Usually the refreshment table at Surfside Quilters Guild meetings are adorned with a lovely bouquet of flowers from some member's garden.  We have a drawing from all the names of those who brought refreshments to the meeting and that person takes the flowers home.   It is a nice tradition.
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Beverly said...

I hope you find a solution to your Picasa problem- I can't imagine having to go back through thousands of photos! I'm still trying to slog through the ones I took on my Reno/California trip.

Sherrie Spangler said...

What a nice tradition! I may suggest it to my guild.