Monday, July 23, 2012

The Ruth McDowell class in Kalispell June 6 -10, 2012 07-23-12

I had not planned to take more than a month to post pictures from the class with Ruth McDowell in Kalispell, MT.   Somehow my computer caught a "Mal" and had to be stripped to the bones and reloaded.  I am still having picture problems and need to talk to Picasa about them.  I have only good things to say about the online back-up service Carbonite.  They were very helpful in restoring my files and they are based in Maine so their English was excellent.  I can't say the same for McAfee - I had a difficult time communicating with their agents in India and I felt that their goal was to sell me further coverage rather than solve my problem.   My mental prowess is not what it once was and I have had a lot of trouble negotiating the ups and downs of this problem.  I hope I can solve the last little problems.  Several readers have sent names for computer "gurus" who might be available to help.

The class was held at the wonderful Quilt Gallery in south Kalispell. Shop owner Joan Hodgeboom has a good eye for fabric and carries a wide range of styles to serve her wide range of customers.

I've put together pictures of the progression of the different student projects.  Not all the pictures are great, but all the projects are represented.  It was a lovely group of ladies and the quilts they created were wonderful.  I was the only student who did not get into fabric, but anyone who has been in a class with me won't be surprised - I almost never do. 
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Quiltedtime said...

Thanks for sharing these, Del. Wonderful work by all!

Patty Benner Young said...

Thanks's fun to look

Loretta said...

Thank you Del. The wait was well worth it. We quilters will very definitely miss Ruth's love of process, her careful instructions, her gentle guidance and for me, "how to look at and use fabric." Take care.

Corky said...

These photos have inspired me to pull out all of my Ruth books and think about another ambitious project. The quilts I've made using Ruth's techniques are my favorites.

Diane said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful pictures and captions. It was so helpful to see the quilts progress.

As for McAfee? We had the same experience and switched to Kaspersky and haven't had a problem since.