Thursday, December 13, 2012

Collecting the Alphabet 12-13-12

Last summer when Ruth Powers and I were traveling to Kalispell she talked about a blog where the writer collected letters of the alphabet.  We decided we might try it, but the pickings were slim.  Since then I have collected a few more letters.  On Sunday at Liberty Station, just across the street from Visions Art Museum, the lawn has been reseeded with rye grass which was brilliant green in the sunlight - see yesterday's Wordless Wednesday post.  Along the edge of the parking lot there is a row of long needle pines which drop their bundles of three needles to blow all over the grass and the blacktop.  I've discovered a couple letters for my alphabet collection there and Sunday I found another.

Capitol "J" - pine needles on grass.  12-09-12

I suppose it is a silly thing to do, but sometimes silliness is a good thing.

A good online source for identifying pines is
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Quiltedtime said...

I don't think this is silly at all, Del. I have this goal to eventually make and name enough quilts so that at least one name starts with every letter of the alphabet. The only issue there is that certain quilts beg to be named something or other that begins with a letter I have already used. I don't know why this is a goal of mine. Probably because I teach reading.

Dolores said...

Del, we can do what we want - simple as that!!!

Christine Thresh said...

Why are Christmas trees bad at knitting?
Because they are always dropping their needles.

Terry Grant said...

Being a bit of a typography geek, I LOVE this!