Friday, April 12, 2013

On I-5 from San Diego, last week. 04-11-13

When I drove down and back from San Diego there were lots of flowers blooming.  The most vibrant were the slopes covered with ice plant.  Unfortunately, it is a very invasive plant and much of it is being ripped out due to this "side effect".  It has many good features - color, density that keeps weeds from growing, low maintenance, food source for bees, etc..  But once it gets out of restrictions it is a cousin to Kudzu.  It comes in many different colors, but I think this is the most common.

You can see how it grows down into the gutter on this freeway on-ramp.  Most jurisdictions spray the encroaching edge with weed killer to keep it under control.

And here it has grown up the embankment beyond the freeway limits.
But it is so lovely with the green hills and the blue California sky.

I left the highway at Palomar Mountain Road to see how the flower fields were doing.  They have planted hedges to block the view - thus encouraging people to pay for admittance to walk among the rows or take a tractor pulled wagon all over the acreage.   But I could tell through this break in the edge that the fields were not yet in full bloom.  With the very warm weather we have had this past week this next weekend might be a good time to take a look.  I'd like to see them from above - helicopter, small plane, hot air balloon!  Not going to happen because the Poodle Prince will be at Camp Del and that isn't an activity he would enjoy.   
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1 comment:

Quiltedtime said...

I used to feel so sorry for a neighbor who lived across the street from us when I was a child. He had a very steep tiered front yard. Even ice plant would not grow on it. A little amusing since his name was actually Iceberg.