Sunday, May 12, 2013

Nelda Warkentin quilt in TCQC 05-11-13

I still haven't posted all of the SAQA auction quilts.  I'll try to catch up this summer.

"Colour" Nelda Warkentin 2011  12"X12" 
Multiple layers of acrylic painted silk.  Painted, layered, machine constructed and quilted.

The clear colors in this piece are amazingly vivid and clear.  I have never worked with sheers but find I am attracted to these stained-glass-like pieces.  Nelda has a knack for this technique and I am happy one of her pieces is part of the Collection.
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Dolores said...

This piece is amazing and I love the quilting on it - just perfect!! Good buy, Del!!

Loretta said...

Nelda has mastered the technique ...beautiful work. Wonderful motion due to color and forms. Thank you.