When I travel I take pictures of all sorts of things. Some are to illustrate, some are to record, some are to inspire, but some are just of odd things I see.
In Bakersfield there is a traffic island that is paved with red "bricks". I was stopped in the left turn lane and realized that they had extended the "bricks all the way to the intersection. Why?
In Bakersfield there is a traffic island that is paved with red "bricks". I was stopped in the left turn lane and realized that they had extended the "bricks all the way to the intersection. Why?
When I was loading my car at the motel in Santa Nella this stray cat was checking out the underside of the truck parked next to me. He stayed there for a long time.
The only thing I could think of was that the truck had run over something that the cat was investigating for a meal. eeeew! I don't know how to spell that!
Far out on a lonely road on Whidbey Island this property owner has decorated his yard with metal sculptures. Not a lot of traffic out there, no other cars but mine, so I guess they just enjoy having the sculptures to look at themselves.
I love your sense of humor!!
Del, thanks for your lovely comment on my blog -- and I wanted to tell you how much I love your travelogue entries! I so admire how willing you are to jump into your car and go, and enjoy everything you see along the way. You convey such a lovely appreciation of the beauty around you in the simplest of thing, and I love what you notice. You're a great inspiration on a lot of levels!
Bahaha! We like our fake bricks in Bakersfield.
Something tells me those "bricks" are stamped concrete colored to add a decorative touch to the median. It's a nice touch, and it got your attention, so it's working. ;-) Diane
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