Sunday, July 7, 2013

Return from San Diego 07-07-13

I drove to San Diego this morning to visit an art quilt friendship group.  They have asked me to join the group, but I don't know - a two hour drive is something I can no longer take lightly.  I am so tired tonight that I can't sort out a picture of one of the TCQC quilts to post.  The traffic on I-5 was very light this morning, but I expected a miles long traffic jam on the way home. 

But it didn't happen.  I took this picture northbound on the I-5 at about 5:30pm, after I had stopped at the Crate & Barrel outlet off Palomar Airport Drive and Starbuck's.  It was almost creepy to see so few cars on the road on Sunday - the end of the 4th of July weekend.   
I was sailing  past the one Rest Stop along the way.  But see the crest of the hill up ahead?

Just before the Border Patrol/Agricultural everything came to a halt and we started with the creep-creep-creep.  For about twenty miles.  But then things started moving again and I was quickly home.  I saw no accidents, no CHPs parked along the way with their radar cams.  And no masses of cars returning home after the holiday weekend.  Go figure!

I am working on the possible quilts to include in the TCQC exhibit at Visions Art Museum that opens November 1st.  As I go through the pictures I'll pull some quilts that I have yet to post on my blog and take some photos.  Need to get caught up with everything!  I'm so slow any more.
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Susan Turney said...

Jeez, Del, I don't think you seem "slow" at all! I always marvel at your road trips and all you do for the quilt world. I understand the tired feeling though, and know I have GOT to start some kind of exercise program! I think about it every evening and vow to do something about it the next day but......I haven't so far. Hopefully soon!

Dolores said...

I also don't see you slowing down - good grief you take us on so many trips - no wonder you're tired!! Be good to yourself and do what you want :) XX