Sunday, August 11, 2013

Color in my day. 08-10-13

This past week I have been "doctoring" bronchitis, which always hits me hard.  The cough alone is enough to keep me off my feet, with my mouth closed.  Talking just makes me cough.  I've had medications and an inhaler and cough medicine and finally I am starting to feel like a human being.  Today I had to go out because my computer was invaded by gremlins, requiring a quick trip to Micro Center in Costa Mesa.  I don't know what the fellow did to solve the problem and I don't think he knew either - it just disappeared and my laptop is working normally now. 

This glorious China Silk Tree was on my route and really surprised me. These trees usually bloom in September - late September.  Everything else in sight was drab in contrast.

While I was out I gassed up the car and stopped at Trader Joe's for a few groceries.  It has been over a week since I shopped, so my refrigerator was looking a little bare.  TJoe's provided my dinner - madeleines crumbled in a bowl, fresh raspberries on top and a glug of cream.  Heaven in one of my favorite blue and white bowls. 
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Quiltedtime said...

Hope you are soon back on your feet, my friend. The berries will certainly help with that. Yum!

Loretta said...

TJ's always provides me with a little treat too. I do hope you're feeling LOTS better very soon. Rest, read and nap!

June said...

Glad you got to pamper yourself a bit, both with the china silk vision and the raspberries and cream:-) Sounded heavenly. So did you have a flashback to your youth, ala Proust? Those madeleines, of course, should have provided it:-)
Take care.

Cindy Cooksey said...

I thought of Proust and his madeleine, too. My daughter bakes them for the farmer's market sometimes, but I haven't gotten a chance to taste them yet. Avec des fraises et du creme?