Monday, December 2, 2013

"This is a Quilt!" 12-01-13

SAQA is selling the matted examples from "This is a Quilt!" trunk show - see the website at:
There are some little jewels, as long as you don't mind that they are matted and under the mat the edges are not necessarily finished. I don't like to add framed items to the Collection because they need special storage and are not portable enough for me to take along when I do programs for guilds and other organizations. However, these matted pieces are 12" square and will fit into the Mylar sleeves I use to store the quilts in the acid free boxes that are just the right size. I chose four favorites and will show them on my blog, but SAQA is removing the sold quilts from the page, so to see what kind of pieces there are you need to check in ASAP.
I don't know why the very white labels attached to the backs of the matting have turned blue.  I've taken the pictures twice at different times of the day.  Suggestions?


"Serendipity"  2011  Denise Oyama Miller - Fremont, CA.  8" square in a 12" mat. 

When I first looked at this quilt I thought it was a commercial batik, just quilted.  But Denise when through quite a process and came up with something I think is beautiful. 


My record keeping system doesn't like quilts that don't have titles, so I always make my own titles for untitled pieces.  This is now "Cow Country".  Original, eh?

"Cow Country"  2011  Keats Scott - Silverthorne, CO  8" square in a 12" mat.

DETAIL   I love Keats idea that all the dots are cows grazing across the landscape.

DETAIL  The mountains are cut from the upholstery fabric - I wonder if it had large flowers.  Sometimes fabric with big floppy roses makes perfect mountains or their reflection in still water.
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Dolores said...

I love Denise's work!! She has so many talents and her pieces come together beautifully!! Good choices, Del :)

June said...

I wanted to say just what Delores said -- really fascinating work. Thanks, Del.