Sunday, August 24, 2014

Pamela Allen quilt in TCQC 08-24-14

  Although Ruth McDowell quilts predominate in the Thomas Contemporary  Quilt Collection there are other artists who are represented with several quilts.  I think the artists with the second most quilts is Pamela Allen with ten pieces, half of which are very small.  They make a nice display when hung together, not just because of the style of her work, but also her fondness for the color aqua. 

"Sailing Past"  Pamela Allen - Kingston, Ontario, Canada -   2014 
9.75"W x 7.5"L
This bird seems to be a cross between a seagull and a butterfly!  He is busy watching the sail boat speed by and paying no attention to the lunch swimming below. 

Pamela does her hand sewing using several strands of embroidery floss - three, I think. 
 Notice the color change she has done on the rock(s) by using a rusty red thread for accent.  This is repeated on the feather stitched trees in the background.
The bird has tendrils and leaves embroidered on his body and sort of satin stitch legs.
Pamela chooses to cover the back of her work, but then adds a few stitches here and there.  This is the first time I have seen the metal washers for hanging used on her quilts.
I love her sense of whimsy (Pam in Can, indeed!) and the uninhibited way she uses fabric.  Fabric selection is a problem for many of us; I have tried to learn from Pamela and from years of classes with Ruth McDowell, whose fabric selections are the envy of many art quilters.  But I think it is mostly intuitive and not something one can learn from someone else.   However, I am going to keep trying!
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1 comment:

helen-mary said...

I looove Pamela Allen's work. That would have been a fun exhibit.