Sunday, May 29, 2016

Revisiting a Pamela Allen Quilt 05-29-16

Pamela Allen made this quilt in 2005 and I purchased it in 2006.  It has appeared here previously and I will let the words from that posting speak for it.
"The  Cherry Picker"  Pamela Allen  2006  20"W x 25"L

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

I admire Pamela's quilts so very much....they are so full of background information that Pamela uses to express her thoughts and feelings when constructing her quilts. I sometimes wonder if ever my thoughts and feelings are expressed in my quilt making and drawings?! Seldom, of late, are my art pieces just designed and constructed from within! Somehow I believe/think a little bit of me must be expressed in my work!