Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Looking back a few years 11-30-16

I did a road trip to Montana in 2012 driving through a lot of open country (Big Sky Country, you know), but I also saw a few old towns.  Butte, Montana, was a surprise, the oldest part of town rI took these pictures was almost deserted, but an attempt to show some history has been made.
Who knew sheep shearers have a union?  There were lots of sheep in fields around.

 Many mine headers with signs giving their active dates.

This chain link fence adorned with coffee mugs was a mystery.  They are firmly attached with the plastic, no-slip, ties used to bundle bunches of wires.   Reminds me of the bridge of keys in France.
An old building with vacant lots on all sides, spruced up and tidy with a large lilac tree.

I admit to thievery - made the car smell lovely.

 Way up on the top of the hill were these two restored houses probably built in the early 1900s.  Out of the older area are lots of suburbs of more recent vintage - it is just a regular town, after all.

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