Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saturday Stories - a poem 11-05-16

It’s Saturday evening and what can I say?

I didn’t accomplish much today.

I did some laundry and put stuff away

And gave KoKo a brushing to keep fleas at bay. 


We went for our walks, both morning and night,

KoKo is learning it is not proper to fight.

When other dogs walk by he gives them a fright

When he growls and lunges ‘til they’re out of sight.


The biggest job is yet to be done,

Changing clocks is not at all fun,

But do it I must if I’m not going to run

Late all week by watching the sun.

 #   #   #

1 comment:

Loretta said...

Another Del talent revealed! A lovely poem. Enjoy your day with KoKo.