Wednesday, June 20, 2018

A heavenly view 06-19-18

Visiting my friends in Mt Vernon, WA, has an additional thrill, other then the primary one of seeing them and have some time to visit.  Their house is surrounded by huge trees.  Mostly Western Cedar, I think.   I doubt if I would ever get any work done because I would be gazing out the windows all the time.  They do have visits from deer, squirrels, rabbits, and birds.  But just looking at the trees is a huge treat for someone from suburban Orange County, California.   I'm sure that some of you have enormous trees on your property, or nearby, but there aren't any where I live.  Although I may post a picture one of these days of the pine trees in my neighborhood.  Not many left from when we moved in thirty years ago because new people move in and the first thing they do is cut down the trees.  Don't understand why.  

From the living room. 

The same view taken outdoors.   Notice the clothesline on the left, this is the only place that gets afternoon sun.  

And a closeup of this GREAT tree. 

There are also trees between the street and the house. 

I put this picture in so you can see the size of the trees in front of the house. 

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1 comment:

Loretta said...

A beautiful place. Thank you.