Thursday, June 28, 2018

Looking back twelve years 06-28-18

I had an appointment with the dental hygienist today and around the office the Agapanthus (common name is Lily of the Nile) are blooming their heads off.   It made me remember a previous year when I took the time to photograph all the stages of bloom.  When I came home I looked in my picture files and found that I had taken those images the exact same day as today!  It was June 28, 2006.  Hard to believe it has been twelve years!   Somewhere I have an image of a jacaranda tree in bloom with blooming agapanthus all around the base, it is like a tree in a pool of blue.    Can't find it now.  

At the top left you can see some of the green oval seed pods that follow the blossoms. 

The flower on the left has started to deteriorate , to be followed by the buds behind it. 

An enlargement of one single bloom - only about 3/4" in diameter.  

The full flowers fill in where the old ones are dying. 

As you can see, the bees also like them.  

I was so impressed with the shadows.

They make me think of doing a Hawaiian style applique with them.  I suppose there is already a pattern somewhere.  

Here would be the border. 

I looked online for a picture of Ruth McDowell's "Lily of the Nile" quilt, but no luck.  I did come across this nice video of some of her quilts.

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Loretta said...

Thank you for the revisit. I truly enjoy seeing Ruth's beautiful quilts. They never get old!

Rebecca said...

I have heard that it was shadows that inspired the first Hawaiian quilt, so you are keeping right in tradition with your idea.

Also, thanks for teaching me something today: I knew "Lily of the Nile," and had heard the word agapanthus, but had never put them together before.