Saturday, March 28, 2020

I'm sturggling like almost everyone is. 03-28-20

One saving grace for me is taking KoKo for his walks twice a day.  We go in the morning sometime between 7 and 9 and in the evening at 7pm.  These evenings while we are out, the sun goes down and sometimes there is a glowing sunset.  But then the sky darkens and there is the moon and Venus in the western sky.  

I can't hold the camera perfectly still and leaned it against a car to take this shot.  But it still distorts the glowing planets.  

Tomorrow we will walk again and I will try to discipline myself to actually accomplish something.   The Black Beast looms and I must get myself in a different mood.  I try to not read anything about the Orange One or much about the Virus.  And I have sought out some funny videos.  Wish I had a solution for myself.  And everyone else who is in trouble over this crisis.  I'll keep working on it. 

Here is some helpful information on the neighborhood sidewalk. 

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Anonymous said...

You give so much to us all through your blog, Del, it is a very strange time all over the world, but reading about your life from here in the UK is one of my daily pleasures. Just keep well in body and mind, and enjoy your friend, Koko.
Best wishes

Mary Ann said...

Keep writing. I so enjoy your blog and have started posting more on mine.
Quilt related videos, Craft in America on PBS, the last one Quilts was awesome. Art 21 on PBS also inspiring. Their website Art 21 also has lots of video inspirations.
Galli Studio has 3 or 4 Beaney Littlejohn (Double Trouble) videos for download that are wonderful.
Wish I could walk but I mostly stay off my foot but have been doing some hand stitching. I sit in the open door on warm days and breathe in the spring air. In Northern Ohio the tulips and daffodils a re about to pop, day Lillies are about a foot tall. Spring is well on it's way.
Stay Safe.

abelian said...

Sending you a hug! I'm so glad you have KoKo; I would be lost without my ginger cat Rusty, who, like KoKo, demands my attention. He wants play time and drinks from the sink. (My master bath has two sinks; one is mine, and one belongs to him for an on-demand drinking fountain.)

I haven't been out for about two weeks, but I'm going to take the car out for a drive around the neighborhood, so its battery doesn't die. If it hasn't already died!

Dottie in NC

Loretta said...

Well, we are all in the boat drifting from here to there with no real direction. It is nice to know I'm not alone! My hugs to all of you! Have I told you the lettuce seeds I planted germinated a few days ago and now my little lettuce plants have 3 tiny leaves and are about 1" tall. Once the weather warms a bit, I plan on transplanting them to a large pot on my deck so I can enjoy fresh, crunchy salads. A tiny goal, but one in the works and doable! I try to take small steps to accomplish small goals each day even if it is just preparing a nice lunch. I am thankful I have my Kindle, which allows me to load new books whenever I choose, so reading is my go-to partner now. I have taken walks and waved across the street to neighbors. This keeps me in touch. Please all, take care and stay well...and giggle now and again!

Sherrie Spangler said...

Tell that Black Beast to go away! I find the best things are to severely ration the news (just enough to be responsibly informed), think about breathtaking colors and quilts, and dive into nature. Your night sky photo is beautiful.

Rebecca said...

It is hard to have such disruption to your routine. Thank goodness you have Koko taking you out twice a day! I have started to reinstate outdoor walks. I see people out gardening or walking, keeping their distance from everyone but their companion. I can exercise inside, but it doesn't have the same mental health benefits as fresh air, sunshine, and a change of scenery!

Keep on keeping on. This too shall pass.

How are you getting groceries? Trying to order delivery or for pick-up has been an absolute debacle in Escondido!

Shelina said...

I am glad you have the company of your dog and are able to enjoy going out in nature. The moon and Venus shot is wonderful - I didn't know it was out like that right now. I have been watching too much of the news and have been limiting myself lately. The Midwives is back on PBS and BluPrint is having all their classes for free for a while. My library is offering Ancestry through the website instead of in person, so there is plenty to keep me busy as I avoid having to deep clean my house.