Monday, December 28, 2020

Rain!! 12-28-20

The weathermen were right, we had RAIN!  I can't find a website that says how much rain there was in the last 24 hours, but it really came down.  It started last night about 1am with violent thunder that seemed to shake the house.  The thunder rolled and bumped and thumped for at least half an hour.  VERY unusual for this area.  I doubt that KoKo has heard thunder but a few times in his six years and he was terrified.  Shaking and barking and running around.  I caught him and held him close and stroked him and talked softly, explaining just what was going on.   He finally settled somewhat, but every little thunker rumble would start him up again.  Poor guy.  If we had more of this sort of thing I would buy him a "thunder shirt", but it is so rare I doubt it is worth it.  

We didn't walk the loop until about 10:30am and timed it correctly to be in between rain storms.  Tonight we went out in the backyard quickly, not because of rain, but it was only 43F!  The coldest it has been this year.  I took the picture below about 3pm when the rain was fierce, thinking the sparkling silver drops might show.  The neighbor's house does not have gutters/downspouts so you can see the water fall to the right.  And against the dark trees the white lines are the falling raindrops.  It was quite lovely.  As far as I can tell our last rain that amounted to anything was early April.  

So, what does KoKo do on a rainy day?  The same as he usually does.....

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Rebecca said...

I woke in the night to the sound of rain (no thunder), which quickly turned HARD then abruptly stopped. I wonder how much rain we got in those few minutes.

All day we've had waves of rain, with a peek of sun at sunset. I love that I live in a house where I can hear it on the roof now.

Loretta said...

I love the smell of rain....that clean, fresh scent! Please to hear you had rain...we had a nice storm last week, I believe. The dogs don't like going out in the rain, but we caught a very short time it was just drizzling, so we quick went out! I keep an umbrella open so they have a small bit of shelter when it drizzles, but they don't spend much time out - at most 5 minutes! We'll see how I and they manage when the rains, if they do, comes day after day for a few days....that will be our test!
I trust you are taking care and your back is feeling lots better. If I miss you for the New Year celebration....many wonderful wishes to you for 2021 and the hope we'll all be able to settle down by summer. Best.