Sunday, March 19, 2023

Procrastinating - as usual 03-18-23

I have yet to find a new gardener (mow and blow guy) so my yard is once again deep in weeds.  My good neighbor,Mark to the South, weed whacked front and back , but since we have had more rain and more lovely sunshine the weeds have taken advantage.  It will have to stay like this until after I return from Empty Spools. 

Looking north.

Looking south. 
I have made several lists and add to them each day, but I don't seem to make any progress to get packed.  I did the laundry this morning, picked up my glasses with the new lens (WOW, what a different that makes), went to Petsmart for KoKo supplies - even a new leash and collar.  Nothing like sending him to stay with someone else to notice how worn his accessories are.  Of course, he needed to stock up on treats also. 

Don't know if I will be blogging this coming week, I'll try, but not much to say except about getting ready to go. Rain is predicted for Thursday, my traveling day.  Groan, not fun on I-5 north.  Or south either!  

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1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

Have a safe trip! And have fun!!!