Thursday, November 2, 2023

Halloween Ending 11-02-23

Our neighborhood has a parade on Halloween and on the 4th of July.   Sometimes KoKo and I sit on folding chairs in the  driveway and cheer them on.   But this year I just  went out  and took a  few pictures.  Didn't participate in Trick or Treat.  

But I could not resist taking pictures of the man riding a leopard!

He is standing straight up and his legs are the front legs of the tiger.
False legs with boots grasp the tiger and the back and  rear tiger legs are also false.  I wish I knew who the guy is so I could ask him some  questions.

This is not street regulation, but the family drives it around on  the  local streets quite a  bit.  They have decorated it  with  orange lights.   Run off  the  battery?

Here is a gutsy guy dressed as  a big  pink  bunny visiting my cross-the-street neighbor.  The arrangement  is becoming more common - place a  table loaded with candy and sit/stand  outside to monitor  the children's  intake.   Lots of  problems with just putting out a bowl or basket full and having some kid take the  whole  thing,  basket  or bowl included.  

Have no idea how  a firetruck  is arranged to drive in front  of the parade since  our neighbor fireman moved away.  It  is always there and even  gives a siren burst.  The pole is  located between our driveway and Mark-to-the-South's driveway.  

The  enormous   skeleton is out  for the season.  He'll stay up until the New Year with appropriate clothing. I suggested  putting him up for Easter  and I would  provide the bunny ears.   They  were  not interested!!

Here is his smaller friend  wearing one of the  bowties that  KoKo  gets at the groomer. There is  a baby skeleton hanging from the big guy's arm who has the bowtie from last year.

Same friend with a few skulls and a sign.  Add a little more each year!

Across the street they have three blowups and the lights that make floating ghosts and bats on the garage door.  We saw them last evening on our walk. 

But this morning about 8am they had been replaced by this blowup turkey.  The owner either came out in the night to change or got up very early before he went to work.   

So another whole year before we do this all over again.  Maybe we will do candy next year.  The mornings after the parades I take an extra plastic bag on our walk and pick up the candy wrappers and other trash.   This year there didn't seem to be as many.  However, in the parking strip beside the house that just went on the market for a million+250-dollars was a used disposable diaper.  The current state of our society is not great.  
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Mary Ann said...

Daisy found an empty candy box and carried it on our walk. Fun training a 3 month old pup who never had a collar on! Currently she is barking at my fake pumpkin that is waiting for a trip to the basement. She is also afraid of the wash basket. LOL I put it on the couch to keep her off the couch which she is using as a speedway. Great fun to jump on and run like the dickens and then fly off to it. Ah youth!

Loretta said...

Not only is the Climate Changing, so are many, many of our self-required rules! My daughter remind me that 'this is the new and modern way mom!' Sorry!