Friday, March 8, 2024

Friday Food 03-08-24

 While in SDiego I stayed in Air B&B with Pat Pauly, the teacher, so we ate breakfast at the house and sometimes dinner also.  We shopped at the local Von's Grocery where I found these "mixed" eggs.  

There  were these four left to bring home, but the  original dozen were  more varied  with  darker browns  and  brighter blues with  one greenish one. I have purchased colored eggs from local growers, but have never seen them commercially packaged. But I usually just buy brown eggs from Trader Joe's and don't look to see what else is available.  

Inside they are like any eggs.  These  were medium rather than the large I usually buy.   The breed of chicken is Ameraucana, which lay eggs in several different colors, but most commonly shades  of blue.

The commercial carton.

A full dozen from a local supplier.  They are not graded and come with all different sizes.  

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Loretta said...

Great natural colored egg find! They are beautiful.

Sherrie Spangler said...

My son has backyard chickens that lay beautifully colored eggs, but he's in Wisconsin so he can't supply me. When I visited I had some and the yolks are a really rich, deep orange and probably more nutritious than most grocery store eggs.