Saturday, May 18, 2024

Flowers of Spring 05-18-24

Oh, dear me.  Does anyone have as many computer problems as I?  On Thursday evening I typed a long post on my medical problems and  as I went to post it, it  disappeared.  It was not in drafts or sent or anywhere.  So, you  were  left  dangling, sorry about that. I am just dealing with old age problems, nothing new!  I'll  have another spinal shot on June 6th and hope it lasts as well as the  one I had last June. When I have time I will try to reconstruct that doctoring post.  It is late tonight, so I will just share our neighbor's spring flowers.


Oriental Poppy

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abelian said...

Del, I’m glad to hear that it’s not a new problem, but “just ordinary” age problems are no fun either. Hope the injection helps. Dottie

Loretta said...

I too hope the injection helps. xo