Thursday, June 13, 2024

Flowers 06-13-24

I realize that every year about this time when the kangaroo paws start blooming, I post a picture.  The blooms just fascinate me, they are just so different from any other  that I have seen.   They must have been  imported from Australia in the last twenty years or so and are now everywhere in Orange County, CA.  They may be growing across the USA, but these days I don't go much of anywhere else.  I do see them in San Diego  County on my infrequent  visits there..

This plant is in the  parking  lot at a  Dana Point restaurant.

The shapes of these "petals" do resemble kangaroo's paws.

In  the upper center you can see one of the unassuming little flowers.  Looks a bit like a  multi-pointed star with a ring of stamens in the center.  I have never detected  a fragrance.

There are also many red plants.  Here you can really see a flower.

This pink bush at Trader Joe's was one of first plants I ever saw  and pink  is not very common. 

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