Thursday, February 13, 2025

We need the rain. Thursday, Feb 13, 2025


This image of the rain pouring down the greenhouse window over the sink, is supposed to be a video.  I thought  I had finally figured out how to post a video, but it appears I have not. Let me know if it moves for you!
It has rained pretty much all day with various intensity.  Not much temperture range  (53F to 56F)  and the clouds don't seem very thick. So, bright  anyway. 

I spent another inactive day, still coughing, but generally feeling stronger.  The doctors office finally called and refilled the cough med I had used up.  5ml every four hours isn't much, but seems to help some.   Mostly I sit up silently, reclining and talking are the worst instigators of coughing.  I'm reading on Kindle, currently  
"Doc" an aurobiography of Dr.Losee of his medical practice postwar II in the wilds of Montana.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The photo is still, not a video. We're hoping to get rain tonight, we really need it here. Gayle