Sunday, April 6, 2008

Asilomar Views 04-04-08

Jane Barnes matches this ceanothus bush near the door to our classroom, Nautilus. The bush was in beak bloom on Sunday when we arrived, but I was so busy with other things I didn't photograph it. It is probably better with Jane as counterpoint.

Some trees are always bare this time of year and they are one of the things I love about Asilomar. All those gnarly, twisting limbs are so graceful.

See the raindrops across the top of the picture? This was taken looking under the railing and along the back of the sleeping rooms. It rained all day on Tuesday (I think it was, anyway), but the other days were mostly clear and cool.

A last look down the path to Asilomar beach which is directly across Sunset Ave from the back gate into the Asilomar grounds. There always seems to be someone on this beach, no matter what the weather. Most of the coastline is rocky, so a stroll on the sand is special.

I have visited Asilomar for about thirty years. Floyd and I stayed there when there were rooms available and since 1991 I have visited at least once a year for the Empty Spools Conferences. It is high on my list of very special places - along with Yosemite Valley, Pawleys Island on the coast of South Carolina, the Oregon beaches and Bishop Creek west of Bishop, CA. Posted by Picasa

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