Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wildflowers - I-5 near Gorman 04-09-08

Yes, I am on the road again! I drove north on Sunday, 04-09-08, back to San Juan Bautista to stay with Mary for a week - isn't she a kind friend?

There were a lot of wildflowers in the miles just south of Gorman, CA. This is at a much higher and drier altitude than the Paso Robles area I post about on 03-30-08. So the flowers bloom later and the background is not so lush.

There is a frontage road that follows the foot of the hills, the area between that and the Interstate is most grazing for cattle.

Christo had his umbrellas flowing over these hills in the early 90s.
Almost to Gorman, which is very close to the high point of this road - these hills are rather barren and above the natural tree line.
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