Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ruth McDowell's "Jacaranda" 05-29-08

"The Jacaranda Tree" 1996 Ruth B. McDowell 45"W x 39"L
When Ruth came to Orange County, CA., in 1996 to present programs and workshops for guilds I was her hostess. When I picked her up at John Wayne Airport the first thing she said to me was, "What are those blue trees?" She was really animated about them. So, on her one free day we drove around looking at gardens and trees, especially Jacarandas. She took lots of pictures for reference and sometime in the next eight months she made this quilt. Of course, I HAD to add it to the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection and I am so glad I did. I think it is a terrific quilt and, additionally, it brings nice memories of Ruth's visit to Orange County.
I do love Ruth's quilts and there are quite a few of them in the Collection. There would be more except sometimes I run out of money! Check out her website at:
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Sue Reno said...

This is a masterpiece, and I really enjoyed hearing the story behind it, and seeing your photos of the trees. Thanks!

Patty ♣ said...

Pure happiness! I just love it!
Thanks Del!

Christine Thresh said...

The Jacaranda Tree is beautiful in real life and in the quilt. Lucky you -- you have them both.

meggie said...

I live in Australia, & we have a lot of Jacaranda trees here. I love them, & feel that gorgeous quilt does them justice. It is beautiful!