Thursday, August 28, 2008

Harris Ranch 08-27-08

I didn't stop at Harris Ranch this trip. I was making good time and didn't have a reason - except maybe the bakery which creates wonderful cookies, but eating cookies while driving is dangerous to the waistline. The land is very flat here, so the complex stands out against the sky - palm trees are one important feature of an oasis, right? Parallel to the highway is the landing strip, used by the California Highway Patrol and many private pilots. At the far left is the windsock and to the far right are the modern port-a-potties. All the comforts of a major airport!
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Corky said...

I always found that Harris Ranch stood out because of the 'fragrance' not the flat land!

Karen said...

Del, my daughter lives in P.G. so we visit occasionally, and I love to stop at Harris Ranch, although we joke we can smell our meal before we get there. I love Backporch Quilts even though I seldom buy anything there anymore as I make all my own fabric. Karen from Thousand Oaks