Thursday, August 21, 2008

I Love Figs 08-21-08

My mother had a fig tree in Portland on the side of the garage; it was understood that it was hers and so were all the figs! Fortunately for her I was the only person in the house that also liked figs - she could keep track of one person! In the winter she wrapped her tree in burlap sacks and in the late summer she check for ripeness everyday. Her tree was a Kadota. My choice would be 'honey figs' which are grown in SCarolina - they are small, tan and taste wonderfully like little packets of honey. I tried many times to get a plant to grown here in SCalifornia, but each one died a quick death.

The fresh turkey figs are in the farmers' markets right now and I have to be careful not to eat so many I get sick. One trip north I took a basket of fresh turkey figs to Mary as a special treat - only to discover that she hates figs! I was forced to eat them all.

I like to serve them cut up and covered with cream.
A few toasted almonds or pecans are a nice addition.
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lindainbelgium said...

hi del: not sure if this will work--am traveling and emails/posts are disappearing faster than Usaine Bolt is collecting gold medals.

I love figs too. Most of ours come from Turkey and are imported in little, probably expensive, not-green packaging--little white puffy "sweaters" or crunchy-sounding paper "stolls".

On a trip to Croatia, our driver made a sudden stop on a switchback hairpin to let Jim's colleague Guy out to climb a tree and collect some figs for a drivetime treat. I've often thought there's a "fig thief" quilt in that minor advenure!

On one of my trips somewhere (German maybe?) I had some really nice fig tea--seemed to have been made by steeping some spices and a dried fig in hot water. I must remember to try to replicate that at home.

Linda, tired out and in the waning days of a US stay.

Gerrie said...

I didn't discover fresh figs until we moved to NC. Our neighbor had a fig tree and a hurricane was approaching and they had to be harvested. Mmmm! I love them grilled with a little olive oil and balsamic and goat cheese.

dee said...

MMmmmmmmm, stuffed with gorgonzola, wrapped in prociutto, drizzled with honey and run under the broiler. My brother-in-law ordered them last year at a fabulous local Italian rest.and he made the mistake of offering me one. An error in judgement he will not soon repeat. OMG, now I must go find some figs.

Terry Grant said...

Another fig lover here! I cannot imagine anyone not loving figs. The most divine fruit. Now I am craving figs. I wonder if they'll have any at the grocery store?

And P.S. all those fancy stuffed, broiled, embellished figs sound good, but I find it hard to improve upon a plain old fresh fig all by itself! The cream looks good, though. Might try that.

meggie said...

O my goodness, I love figs! they are so expensive her now, but I treated myself to some today, & they were more than delicious!! I find them so sensuous, so droolingly delicious, it is almost a sin to eat them!