Sunday, August 17, 2008

"Fish in a Bottle" again! 08-17-08

Carol and Dick Bednar 08-17-08

What luck, we are all three in town and available to share dinner. Where else would we go but our favorite restaurant "Fish in a Bottle". We keep a list of what we have tried in the past so that we can tackle something new. We have not eaten anything that wasn't wonderful.

We each ordered an organic salad (still fabulous) and the Bednar's had beer. We shared three different sushi rolls - Bora Bora (in the back), Mango Tango (on the left) and Crazy Boy (on the right). Mango Tango is topped with mango sliced very thin and has a hearty layer of cilantro underneath. I have already forgotten the ingredients of Bora Bora, but I won't forget the yummy taste.

We have had Crazy Boy several times. It contains shrimp and avocado and is topped with skinny deep fried ??. I thought they were onions, but have been challenged on that - next time I will ask.

For the first time we had dessert and it was almost gone before I could stop eating and get out my camera. Banana Cream Cheese Custard rolled into a cylinder of very thin pastry, cut at an angle and set upright on the flat ends. Drizzled with a carmel-y sauce and the plate decorated with a scoop of ice cream, kiwi slices and swirls of chocolate and raspberry sauce. As the saying goes, "it was to die for". Some day I will go in and have six little California rolls and a whole dessert to myself. Oink-Oink.
The not so great part of the evening was that Carol's friend Rhoda from Florida was flying in this afternoon and was to join us. But her flight was cancelled and she was delayed in Dallas/Ft Worth. She should be arriving right about now! Hope I will have another chance to meet her while she is in SCalifornia on business.

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1 comment:

meggie said...

I will do a deal with you- you can have all the desserts, & I will have the firsts!