Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday Feet 09-09-11

Dunsmuir, CA  August 2011

Whenever I drive through northern California I try to make a stop in Dunsmuir.  As a child traveling by train from Portland to Los Angeles the stop at this forested mountain town with its fountain "The Best Water in the World" was the highlight of the trip.  The wonderful old wooden station was torn down years ago and replaced with a really ugly "box".   Most of the buildings are slowly crumbling as is the economy.  The old train yard and round house are knee high in weeds and the pavement is cracked and broken.  It is all very sad.  Someone patched this sidewalk across from the train yard and added a little color. 
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Christine Thresh said...

That's a very interesting photo, especially with the background story.

Judy Sall Fiber Art said...

OMG... by chance, I visited your blog and found the tag name 'Dunsmuir'... I spent the first 7 years of my life there, and my Dad worked for Southern Pacific Railroad in that train yard! Last time I was there was 1997, and I found our old house. I have very happy memories of that town, and am sorry it has fallen on hard times. Thanks so much for sharing about it!