Sunday, December 11, 2011

Express Yourself 12-10-11

Does California have more personalized plates than any other state?  I suppose because people spend so much time in their vehicles they want to make a statement - as I do with DELQLTS.   Years ago I was driving down I-5 and saw a license with a strange word (don't remember it now), but we kept passing and re-passing each other and I continued to try to figure out what the driver was trying to say.  By chance we both stopped at the same gas station and I asked the guy what his license plate meant.  He sort of snarled at me and said loudly and rudely, "It's my name."   I restrained myself and maybe said, "Oh!".  But I wanted to ask him why he had it on his plate for everyone to see if he was going to get pushed out of shape when someone asked him about it.  But, I suppose he had his reasons - maybe he just needed to snarl at someone!

I don't get the connection between the plate and the sign in the back window. But note that his bumper sticker says "unknown".  So, maybe he doesn't know either - I didn't ask!

Maybe this means the driver deals with risky obstetrics patients.  But then he is driving a Toyota, so maybe he is just a risky obstetrician!

I don't know if this lady lives and quilts in Long Beach, CA, but that is where I snapped her picture.   Looks like she buys "Made in the USA" anyway.
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Quiltedtime said...

One of the best I saw was on a car parked outside a quilt show: RIPNSEW. Boy howdy! I can't tell you how many seams I've had to rip out and re-do on my quilts.

Del said...

Good one! I wonder if people who text on their cell phones are any better at deciphering the messages on license plates than "text-less" people.

Anonymous said...

I live in NH which is a small state population wise, but has the highest rate of vanity plates in the US.

My fav is CRE8IV1, which I've seen here and in OH.

Del said...

Why is that, I wonder? I have a friend who uses the e-address "GETCR8VE". I've always thought how clever she was to come up with that.

Marilyn said...

maybe a life style statement...risky old b..

Kristin L said...

I had to snicker at one I saw: JST 4CM. I assume the car was "just for" someone with the initials CM, but what I read was "just four centimeters" -- not exactly what I think the male driver wanted to advertise!! ;-)

Del said...

Kristin - Do you suppose the guy's name is Bobbitt?
It could be "Just Force 'em". Although what that might mean is beyond me.