Friday, December 16, 2011

More Food 12-15-11

Dinner with Carol and Dick Bednar at Fish in a Bottle, our favorite place for dinner.  I think it is the first time we have been there in long time that every seat was not taken.  But it was a cold, rainy night and everyone else was probably out shopping.  We tried the ribs, which they didn't think were as good as those they had last month in Hawaii, and we ordered two of our favorite rolls.
Crunch-Crunch in the back and Crazy Boy in the front.  Delicious.  Crazy Boy is the first thing I ordered at FiaB and it remains my favorite roll. 

Last month I showed a picture of a dessert Bruxie "sandwich".
This is a picture of a Bruxie "Green Eggs and Ham" sandwich.  Very, very delicious.  It is a little large and I discovered that it doesn't do well in a "doggy bag", so next time I'm going to take a friend who will share. 

Eggs, ham, cheese and pesto sauce. 
Bruxie's is a local place with two locations - one on Glassell across from Chapman University and the other in Brea near the theatres.
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Rayna said...

That sushi looks to die for! Someday I'd like to come and do an eating tour with you. xoxo

Christine Thresh said...

If I am ever down that way, I'll go with you.