Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Feet 01-13-12

Early in the week two guys from Disaster Kleenup came to check out the leaky site and to see if there was any moisture remaining.  There wasn't.  But they measured the entire room and took a number of different views of the hole in my wall and the lifted vinyl on the floor.
This guy was the helper - he took the pictures, held the end of the tape, used the moisture "sniffing" tool. He said he didn't mind if I took a picture of his feet, but he looked at me as if I were nuts.

Those skinny, hairy legs, no socks, grubby shoes - I wasn't sure I should even let him in the house. I guess I am just an old fuddy-duddy. 
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Patty ♣ said...

Didn't make himself look very professional, or competent did he...He has lots to learn! Glad things are good there...

Martha Ginn said...

Sorry about your leaky problem, but I got a huge chuckle out of your attention to the workman's feet. I think when we have bunions, hammertoes, etc., and are limited to certain old-lady-type shoes, we DO notice what others get to wear!
Martha Ginn