Monday, February 6, 2012

Too tired plus Monday Browsing 02-06-12

I haven't had time to do much browsing this past week, but here are a few  that are worth a look:

Melody posts QAWM (Quilting along with Melody) with text and pictures as she is creating one of her distinctive works of art.  Her website is worth exploring as she is so very sharing with her techniques and methods. 

This week I'll move the pictures from the Friday Visions Art Museum opening into a Picasa album and give you URL - maybe you can help me identify some of the people. 

Corky absorbs some Vitamin D.  As you can see his hair has not yet grown in where the vet shaved him to do the laser surgery.  I think the sun will help, don't you?

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Corky knows what is best! The healing power of the sun!

Congratulations on the new gallery! You more than deserve it!

