Saturday, March 10, 2012

Change of plans 03-10-12

We didn't go to San Diego today, Carol kindly decided she didn't want to give us her cold, so we postponed for another day.  She probably picked up the germ going to and returning from NCarolina.  Airplanes are dangerous that way.

So we didn't see the beautiful blue Pacific - this picture is from 03-09-11 when I was returning from a final visit to the Visions 2010 exhibit.  I imagine it looked just like this today.

No change in Corky's plans.  I picked him up at 4pm for an overnight at Camp Del.  He seems okay with his new pillow in his family room bed.  The bed in this picture is the one he uses in the bedroom.  His mommy thinks he needs to wear his cover up at night while it is cold and he is indifferent, I think!  
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Susan Turney said...

Del, have you ever taken the train to San Diego? When I was visiting my friends Stewart and Gary in Orange a few years ago they had a benefit to go to so I took the train. It was a beautiful ride and ended near the marina. I met an old high school girlfriend from Minot ND for lunch, hung out a while then rode back to Orange. Fun!

Del said...

Yes, I have taken the train and it is frequently a beautiful ride, mostly right along the coast. Having to carry stuff makes it difficult and the train schedule doesn't very often work for me. I can no longer stand all the way home, which requires traveling at non-peak times. One highlight for me is to stop in San Juan Capistrano for lunch at Ramos House which actually backs up against the tracks - funky, but with delicious food.