Monday, March 5, 2012

A Triptych by Lisa Yoder in TCQC 03-04-12

In 2009 I took a class with Pamela Allen at Empty Spools Seminars/Asilomar - it was a great class and I would take another Pamela class at the drop of a hat.  My table mate in the class was Lisa Yoder of San Diego and this quilt started out as a class assignment.  It demonstrates Lisa's interpretation of the legendary Pamela whimsy. Now it is the most recent addition to the Thomas Contemporary Quilt Collection.
"Cowville" Lisa Yoder  2012  31"W x 15.75"L 
Cotton fabric, illusion netting, beads, silk ribbon, cotton and metallic threads. 
Hand pieced, hand appliqued, hand beaded, hand quilted.

Lisa likes to do things by hand.  Beautiful beading, and stitching takes long hours of concentrated work.

"Cowville", the title of this piece, is based on the appliqued cows which one must look closely to see.  There are four cows in this picture - I'm not sure how many there are on the quilt, I'm still searching.
The grey space just off center in this image is the space between parts 2 and 3.  Each unit is bound with silk ribbon, hand appliqued over the edge.  Black on the black edges and white on the white edges.
I think it is wonderful that Lisa did not line the back of her work.  It is an interesting look at the hand of the artist, to see the reverse side of her stitching.  The label is minimal, at best.  I think a label should have at least the title, artist name, year of completion, a contact (e-mail, snail address, phone number...something, so the artist can be contacted).  And in the case of multiple pieces, each piece needs a label which includes the position in which it should be hung.  I have seen pieces hung in the wrong order at quilt shows - sometimes it is very obvious.  I have told Lisa that I will make labels for each piece. 
Who is this mysterious blue lady calling in the cows? Tiny flower pot is a sweet addition.
Tiny seed beads for distant stars, tiny star beads for closer stars, larger stars (lower left) are cut from fabric, covered with net and metallic thread used for 'radiations'.  The bead dotted crescent moon is cut from a printed fabric with a small border of the black background fabric showing - netting covers the yellow part.

The sun is a spiral of yellow stitched down with tiny gold beads.  Lisa chose a perfect background fabric which she then enhanced with her excellent hand quilting stitches.
Thank you, Lisa, I'm enjoying your charming quilt.   
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Quiltedtime said...

Enchanting! One could look at this for a very long time, delighting in all its little surprises. Love it.

Suzanne Kistler said...

Delightful! I can just picture the artist bent over the piece, smiling as she adds each new detail for someone to discover. Love it!