Sunday, February 24, 2013

Catherine Kleeman quilt in TCQC 02-24-13

Here is another quilt from the SAQA 2011 online auction that I have not  previously posted.  The color is way off, the quilt is much more gold and orange, however, I photographed it on three different days and different times of the day and couldn't get a good color representation.  Sorry, Catherine.

"No Way Out"  Catherine Kleeman - Ruxton, MD 2011  12"x12"
Hand-dyed cotton fabric.  Machine quilted.
Other than the color (so poorly represented here) I like the motion created by the swirling blue line under the red X.  The varied background, which is both printed and pieced, lends dimension to the image.
The blue and red may be tubes rather than raw edged - there is no fraying anywhere are raw-edge, fused and then over stitched with zig-zag.  (Thanks, Catherine, for making this correction.) The blue is more teal than this picture.
This one green square near the right edge is printed rather than applied.
I appreciate that Catherine quilted the background before adding the applique, something I do myself as I think it gives more prominence to the applique.

She has signed the quilt with machine stitching.  Something that takes practice!
And she has adhered a business card to the back of the quilt providing a contact for interested viewers.  I have added the quilt title and date.

This photo of the back washes out the pumpkin orange and the gold.  But look how she has dealt with the facing - adding triangles to the corners which cuts down the bulk at those points.

It is a wonderful quilt and I am so happy it is part of the Collection.
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Loretta said...

Good Morning Del, Not all of the photos open! 1,3,4,6 & 7.

Gerrie said...

Yes, what Loretta said - photo links are not working.

Loretta said...

Thank you Del...this is a lovely little quilt. I like the background very much. A fun project to try!