Monday, July 28, 2014

Home again, Home again, jiggety jog....

...or however the old nursery rhyme goes.  I won't do a blog  tonight, unless I wake up in the wee hours and can't go back to sleep.  It was a great trip (4988 miles) and I appreciate all the good friends who kept track of me and worried about me.  I'll have more trip pictures and comments over the coming week.  Love, Del-at-home
Had at least a bit of "hanging rain" every day.  This is in Kansas on US-54.


Quiltedtime said...

Glad you are safely home, Del. I enjoyed riding virtual shotgun on your trip. Always a good adventure.

Christine Thresh said...

Glad you are home. That was quite a trip.

Loretta said...

Welcome home...and thank you for another wonderful and exciting trip.

Beverly said...

Glad you made it home safely!

Sherrie Spangler said...

Glad you're home safely. I love following your road trips!