Saturday, April 9, 2016

Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar starts tomorrow 04-09-16

Well, it starts for me, this is the fourth session already this year.  I am so looking forward to Sue Benner's class.  I have taken classes with her before and she is a great teacher.  I finished fusing the fabric scraps until I only have a small piece of Wonder Under left.  Guess I'll have to buy some to take to class. 

Rain today again and rain predicted for tomorrow.  Hope it isn't raining when we are unloading our stuff for class and also our sleeping rooms.  Been there, done that, and it is miserable.   

I do have to stop at Back Porch Fabrics and the Monterey Peninsula QGuild quilt show is on at the Chataqua Hall, so I would like to stop there also.  Registration is at 3pm, so I'll have lots of time.  If I can find a parking spot!
Back Porch Fabrics - 2013
Back Porch Fabrics - 2013  Owner Gail Abeloe facing camera in middle.
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1 comment:

abelian said...

Oh, I wish I could be there, too! I took a class from Sue several years ago, and she is indeed a great teacher. I have a friend who's taking Melinda Bula's class this session.
