Friday, March 1, 2019

Not a good day!

Well, I didn't finish the quilt!  Working late tonight and tomorrow whenever I can find the time.   I seem to be the kiss of death for anything mechanical lately.  My sewing machine works great, but I struggled to adjust the top and bottom tensions to get the zigzag right on the edge.  Then I broke a needle.  And then I sewed around a corner with no bobbin thread.  And then …… That is just how the day has gone.  I spent some time trying to revise yesterday's blog post after some kind soul told me it was all messed up.  The biggest problem is the pictures.  I can't find them and can't make any adjustments.  I will find someone to help me learn, but right now I have too much going on to do anymore about it.  Sorry!  I'll see if I can find a picture to post.  I've already done Friday Food, so this will be anything but food.

Here is a house in the neighborhood with an enormous "firestick cactus" (actually it is a succulent).  There are some smaller ones showing bright red in the lower left of the image.  I admire this yard which is all desert plants and succulents.  They are in the process of renovating and painting the exterior, but the rain keeps interfering.  I'm trying to remember the name of the plant in the foreground which has interesting yellow flowers now. 

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