Friday, December 9, 2022

It is winter, but some blossoms. 12-09-22

Cold this week, mid 60s during the day.  Which doesn't seem cold to some of you, but SCalifornians expect mid 70s minimum!  I talked to a friend in Minnesota where it was 20F and she told me that Buffalo, NY, had 6 1/2 feet of snow in one day last week.  I am sooo enjoying SCalifornia, even in the 60s!

Lots of plants blooming including this pile of yellow.  This is just one shrub maybe ten feet high and there are three in a row in this front yard.  For some reason this one blooms earlier than the others and is solid flowers.  It is senna bicapularis, common names include rambling senna, winter  cassia, Christmas bush, money bush and yellow candlewood.  

On the far right is another of the same that is only now filling out with blooms. 

The sprained ankle is better.  I started PTherapy for Sciatica.  I still have not contracted Covid and wear a mask wherever I go, but most people do not.  Several friends have suffered and most of them have been traveling.  Hope you are all okay.  

The AT&T "technician" is supposed to come tomorrow between 8am and 12pm.  If he doesn't fix the problem of not being able to access the Internet anytime after about 5pm, I guess I will have to switch and the only option is Spectrum which has terrible customer service.  Price is about the same.  Oh, the trials of the electronic age, I miss old "Ma Bell".  Hard to believe that I worked for them 65 years ago.  Do you think back and wonder what happened to that young person?  On the other hand, can it possibly be 65 years!!

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Rebecca said...

I'm about to turn 65, but each of my three sisters have had jobs which don't exist anymore (or are done very differently). One was a key punch operator, one a telephone information operator, and the one who worked for the post office spent weeks memorizing ZIP codes from index cards.

Loretta said...

My statement for our times "WOW! Things have definitely changed! Take care.