Thursday, December 1, 2022

Online again this morning. 12-01-22

It is 10am and I am able to access the Internet - HURRAH!  Don't know how long it will last, but I will try to get this posted before I fall off again! 

Here is the KoKo dog zoning out in my lap.  He is very cuddly these days, I suspect because the weather is cooler.  Today we are supposed to have a little rain, but right now the sun is shining brightly.  

Froggy is still with us.  He needs more surgery and some replacement stuffing.  KoKo is very hard on him, but Froggy is a durable little guy.  They are the same age - 8 1/2 now. 

The temperature has not dropped below about 49F, so we have very little autumn color.  The crepe myrtle leaves just turned brown instead of the bright scarlet we have with colder weather.  The liquidambers and coral trees contributed this mild color. 

First decorations were up the day before Thanksgiving and now there are quite a few.  This olive tree is decked out solidly, but our neighborhood is not abundantly lit up.  Ours is one of many undecorated houses.  I don't DO Christmas anymore, just a wreath on the door.  

My garage is in terrible shape, stuffed with useless things and boxes of books!  I hired a young man seeking work to support his college fees to help me do a cleanup.  He was as nice as he could be, but only 19 and he didn't know how to work.  He couldn't quite get the hang of vacuuming!   I did manage to get rid of some stuff, but only cleared about half of the garage.  Dumb time of year to be doing this as it is cold and (sometimes) damp.  But I will persevere and find someone more mature to help.  

I am off to see the podiatrist for a complaining ankle.  I had hoped to just wrap it and try resting it, but it doesn't seem to get any better.  Sciatica just gives a twinge now and then so the epidurals are still working.  Fingers crossed.  

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1 comment:

sonja said...

good to read your posts again and see that froggie has had so many surgeries and bounces back for Koko! glad ankle is not broken. feet's up is a good thing to practice at any age!