Saturday, March 4, 2023

Birds 03-04-23

We heard a mockingbird yesterday.  Seems early for their return, especially with the cold, wet, windy weather we have been having.  They are usually here between April and November.  Always vocal, they command their territories with much screeching, singing, fluttering, and downright attacks on other birds; also cats, dogs, and even a squirrel.  For several years one chose our chimney for a territorial lookout and I swear, would holler down the chimney at me.  Anytime of day or night he would get wound up and keep at it all night.  I had  to wear earplugs!  

Northern  Mockingbird from Google.  

Although I have seen them in SCalifornia since I moved here in 1957 I had never observed their "flinging" habit until I saw one doing it in Baton Rouge, LA.  I was sitting on a bench on the university campus, just enjoying the lovely weather and the different trees and plants.  On top of one building is a pole with a round ball on top.  A mockingbird was singing and throwing himself in the air, coming down to land on the ball again and again and....  It was, of course, a courtship display and he kept at it all the time I was sitting there.  I have seen this routine many times since, but that first observation sticks in my memory.  It seemed so strange at the time.  

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1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

In Northern Ohio we celebrate the return of the buzzards around March 14. We used to look for robins as a harbinger of spring but now they stay all winter. I think they flock around fast food restaurants picking up stray French fries. I have a pair of noisy blue jays picking up acorns and a wood pecker that was sampling my house. I don't think he liked the vinyl siding.