Sunday, April 9, 2023

Sue Benner quilt in TCQC 04-09-23

This is a blog post from 05-11-17 when I only had two of her quilts.  The first purchase was in 2001 when I found "Marsh #11" at the Thirteen Moons Galllery in Santa Fe, NM.  I had not met Sue at that time, so I didn't know what a delightful, warm person she is and what a great teacher   But I couldn't leave Santa Fe without her quilt.  I have since added two more of her pieces which I will show some other time.  


"Marsh #11"  Sue Benner - Texas  2000  36"W x 18.5"L
Silk and cotton, fused, machine quilted. 

This shows her landscape technique, the class I took at Empty Spools last week. She has made many quilts similar to this, but usually much larger.  
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1 comment:

Philippines said...

Thanks for the detailed and thoughtful posts