Friday, June 9, 2023

Another easy day 06-09-23

Sunshine all day and 70F.  Maybe the morning drizzle is over.  But the weeds are still running amuck and I haven't had any luck with a new gardener.  They just don't show up!   The redbud trees are all  leafed out and some leaves  are almost black. I cannot take a photo that shows how dark they are, but here are a few that I tried to edit. The newer leaves come in red which shine in the sun.  KoKo checking out the possibility of lizards. 

The older leaves are the size of my outstretched hand. 
Soon the small pink  blossoms will appear, but the large leaves rather cover their  glory.  Still a lovely tree, to bad I didn't take a picture of one.  

Not a happy dog because Froggy has been crunched again!  

Sciatica  pain is much less and we did two full walks today.  The nurse did a good job and there is only a small bruise from the puncture in my arm just above the wrist, high enough for my sleeve to cover it.  Not that I am going anywhere!

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