Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023

 Have you had enough turkey?  I found these in my photo files.  I know there are more, but the "search for" feature won't search for turkey and doesn't seem to think a turkey is a  bird!       Hope you had just the Thanksgiving you wanted.

This was done using an app called "Scribbler" which I really enjoyed, but it seems to have disappeared.

A fine specimen of domestic turkey.

Another good looking guy.

This is a calligraphy turkey - not much meat!
Apparently not by looks.

Cute quilted guy. Too cute to eat if it  was  real!

Hm-m-m-m, Cold Turkey?

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1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

My brother raised the wild turkeys and found out that they are not that great to eat. Stringy and tough. He set them free. He also raised pheasants and quail which he also set freee in his woods for later hunting. He now has a herd of cows close to a hundred. Meat cows. Pretty much pasture raised and I think he may have some chickens. He builds houses also.
Happy Thanksgiving. Daisy and I had cabbage and noodles with chicken. Yeah your typical Thanksgiving meal! Pumpkin bread for dessert. Homemade. Yum!