Friday, June 28, 2024

Friday Food - Ice Cream 06-28-24

Anytime, any season ice cream appeals to many of us.  When I am on a road trip Diary Queen is always tempting.  Locally there are a number of local or chain ice cream shops.   The boys and I have tried quite a few, but after trying a new place we always go back to Rich Farm, which is the closest to our houses.

Julian likes the "candy" ice cream that always seem to be blue or green.
This may have been "cookie monster". 

Some Japanese restaurants have green tea ice cream.  This with chocolate  streams and powdered  sugar sprinkles was at my favorite in San Diego - Ikiru.

After a delicious salmon dinner at a Los Alamitos,CA, seafood place.
There is a chocolate fish propped on top.. 

The gelato case at Whole Foods.  Decision, Decisions.

At home I prefer Talenti's Coffee Chocolate Chip or Lactaid vanilla.   I don't  need a  "dairy relief" pill after the Lactaid, but I always carry some with me in case of a sudden, overwhelming urge to stop for ice cream!

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Kathleen Fields said...

We haven't heard from you in much too long Del. Sure hope it's just those pesky computer problems and you'll be back on line soon🌺

Sonia said...

Del, you haven't blogged for awhile. Are you okay? Missing your comments.

Gayle M P said...

Hi Del I do hope you have had more ice cream dates with your young neighbours. Gayle